April is over but it is always a busy time of year for us here. The end of March into the first week of April is the school closing season and preparations for summer break. Precious and Mickaila ended the year well and both received at least one ribbon. It is also this same time of year that we go into full preparation mode for the annual Church Thanksgiving. A couple of highlights before the real story. In January a couple of the young people from our church got married. Precious was a brides maid, Faith was a flower girl and Jonah and I where sponsors. It was a beautiful wedding celebrating the wonderful couple. In February our young people also put together and wonderful event for all the local young people from five different villages. It was called a hearts party and a wonderful time to share the real love of God in a month when we are all so focused on the human side of love. ( sorry no pictures from this event). The end of school year here is a time of wait and see. Kids some days come home and say no class the next day they are getting home later than "normal". It is a rough time for someone like me who likes to know what is going on and what to expect but I am learning to live with it and just roll with it. Our school closing was scheduled for April 4 in the morning. It was supposed to be a half day program this year but as expected it became an all day affair with an hour lunch break in the middle. They start with the grade six graduates and recognition of the kindergarten students that had an outstanding year. The afternoon they go in order from grade one to grade five. Every grade has at least one song and one dance presentation. They then recognize the students from each grade that had an outstanding year and hand out honors medals and ribbons for various things. Precious Finished the year with High Honors ( ended the year with a 95 or above) She was second in her class. She also received 5 ribbons. Most inquisitive, most kind, most loving, most considerate and best in reading.
Our family after the wedding
Precious with all her medal, ribbons and certificate
Precious with a friend Jeagan
My cute Marah
Thanksgiving is the time we celebrate all the things that the church accomplished in the last year and look forward to the year ahead. There is a service with a guest speaker and a big potluck lunch after for the whole community. The men of the church also divide into four teams and play a basketball tournament. The day of the Thanksgiving they invite men from the community to join them for the afternoon and they play a few games with a prize for the winning team.
Jonah's team this year
JoJo one of our favorite young people
Mickaila and her ribbon
Mickaila got a ribbon for cheerful soul award. She is enjoying her summer break and is also working with a tutor in math to help her be more ready for next year. The parents are encouraged to put the ribbons on there kids. I like that the kids are recognized for their hard work and I think it encourages the kids to try hard and do well.
Precious receiving her awards
Mickaila with her ribbon
Our family picture plus one
I am proud of my girls and their desire to be involved in the church and its activities. Faith signs backup with the worship team and likes to dance. Precious enjoys dance and quite often dances with the young people for special programs.
Faith Precious and Mickaila in a dance for the thanksgiving
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