Bold statement alert!! Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. I am sure not everyone will agree with me on this and that is okay. This is my opinion though. I have been realizing a lot lately how hard it is to be a mom. With the job of mom comes so many more titles and they are all work. I am not complaining (well maybe a little) but Being a mom is hard work. It is exhausting physically but also emotionally and sometimes I think that is harder. I am mom to three wonderful children and love them dearly but wow. I knew being a mom was hard when I had my girls then my son came along and the hardness seemed to reach a whole new level. It is hard in different ways. My girls are emotional and while that is difficult, when I am not in the mood and need space they are old enough know I can tell them to go take some quite space and time and I will talk to them in a little while. The little boy though is so energetic and curious that he is always into everything. He also does not always listen well. I am sure that is in some fault mine as a parent in not always being so consistent but He is also young still and testing the waters. I am not just mom but I am also a nurse to all the owies that come with young kids. I am supporter to all my kids but mainly my oldest who is in school and keeps trying new things. She is trying sports and anything else that she is asked to join. She knows she can say no and if she does not like something she will either stop or not do it at all. She likes to know that she is supported. I am teacher to all of the kids in that we as parents teach them right from wrong and how to behave, but some of us that homeschool are teachers to our kids. We are dishwasher and housekeeper. I am discovering that dishes and housework is a never ending job. I can do dishes three or four times a day and there are still always some dishes in the sink. I also sometimes sweep three times a day and there is still dirt on the floor. Beyond that We are also wife, cook and whatever else you can think of.
I have to admit though that no matter how difficult it is being a mom I do not always like those post that say how much a mom should make if it where a paid position. I am okay that it makes people think about everything that a mom does but we do not become moms because of the pay. The blessing we get from watching our kids grow and learn is all the payment we need. There are some days when I am watching all the kids at the playground and trying to now where they all are and what they are doing I feel like a glorified baby sitter that does not get paid nearly enough. I am blessed beyond measure to be able to do the work the Lord has sent me here to do but there are certainly days I would love nothing more than to lock myself in a room and lay in my pajamas and just read a book the whole day long. That is not possible here for me but I still find the strength to keep going and carry on being mom.
Precious ten years old
mom Precious and Faith
Precious, Faith and Mark 3 of the 4 loves of my life
Faith and Mark
Faith is almost 6 and Mark is 3.
I am blessed to be mom to these three kids and love them more than I ever thought possible. God bless to all the moms out there and may God always give you the strength love and patience you need on a daily basis.